How to track website visits in a privacy-conscious world

In a world increasingly conscious of digital privacy, tracking website visits without infringing on user privacy has become a critical concern. At Galexia, we understand this balance and believe in empowering our clients with knowledge and tools that respect user privacy. This blog post explores why Matomo Analytics is a preferable alternative to Google Analytics, especially in light of recent privacy laws and trials, and provides a guide on migrating to a more privacy-conscious analytics platform.

Google Analytics vs. Matomo Analytics: A Privacy Perspective

Google Analytics has been the go-to tool for website analytics for years. However, privacy concerns have risen, particularly regarding data collection, data sharing, third-party tracking, and opt-out options. Let’s examine these aspects in comparison with Matomo Analytics.

  1. Data Collection: Google Analytics is known for collecting extensive user data, including browsing behavior and demographics, primarily used for targeted advertising. In contrast, Matomo Analytics, as a self-hosted, open-source solution, offers more control over the data collection process, ensuring that only essential data is gathered.
  2. Data Sharing: Data collected by Google Analytics is shared across Google’s services, extending its use beyond mere analytics into realms like advertising. Matomo, being an open-source platform, allows for stringent control over data access, ensuring that user data remains confined to its intended purpose.
  3. Third-party Tracking: Google Analytics employs third-party cookies for tracking, which can lead to privacy concerns as user data is shared with multiple entities. Matomo, in its default setup, does not rely on third-party cookies, significantly reducing privacy risks.
  4. Opt-out Options: While Google Analytics offers limited opt-out options, Matomo allows users to completely opt out of data collection, providing a more user-centric approach to privacy.

Recent Trials and Laws Pushing the Shift

Recent legal challenges and the enactment of stringent privacy laws like the GDPR and CCPA have put the spotlight on the importance of privacy-compliant web analytics. These developments are prompting many businesses to reconsider their analytics tools, seeking options that align better with these new legal frameworks.

Transition from Universal Analytics to GA4

The shift from Universal Analytics to GA4 in Google Analytics has led to changes in feature sets, with some businesses finding the transition challenging. Matomo, in many ways, offers a similar experience to Universal Analytics, making it a comfortable alternative for those accustomed to the older Google platform.

Galexia’s Guide to Migrating to Matomo

As experts in setting up Matomo for both WordPress and various other platforms, Galexia recommends a structured approach to migration:

  • Data Assessment: Evaluate the type of data you are currently collecting with Google Analytics and decide what is essential for your business needs.
  • Setup Matomo: Choose between the Matomo WordPress plugin, self-hosting, or using the cloud version. Galexia can assist in setting up and configuring Matomo to align with your specific requirements.
  • Data Import: While direct data import from Google Analytics to Matomo is not straightforward, historical data can be archived for reference, and new data collection can begin afresh on Matomo.
  • Customization and Training: Tailor Matomo to your needs and train your team on its use. Galexia can facilitate this process, ensuring a smooth transition.


In conclusion, while Google Analytics remains a powerful tool, the privacy-centric features of Matomo make it a superior choice for businesses prioritizing user privacy. Galexia is ready to assist in this transition, offering expertise in setting up and customizing Matomo for your specific needs.

Interested in migrating to a more privacy-conscious analytics platform? Contact Galexia for a consultation, and let’s make your web analytics align with the modern standards of privacy and data protection.